#Course Artificial Intelligence

A course by TMG Muenchen

Information about the course

What is Artificial Intelligence? What does it mean for business? And how can your company take advantage of it?
This telepresence program, designed by the Irish Manufacturing Research (IMR)and the Technology Management Group (TMG ) Germany, will help you answer these questions.

Through an engaging mix of introductions to key technologies, business insights, case examples, and your own business-focused project, your learning journey will bring into sharp focus the reality of central Industrie 4.0 technologies today and how they can be harnessed to support your business needs.

Focusing on key Artificial Intelligence building-blocks, such as Digital Products, Digital Operations and Digital Business, the course will help you understand the implications of these new Industrie 4.0 Opportunities for business strategy, as well as the economic and societal issues they raise.
International expert instructors from Germany , Norway and Ireland examine how Artificial Intelligence will complement and strengthen our local workforce rather than just eliminate jobs.

Additionally, the program will emphasize how the collective intelligence of people and computers together can solve business problems that not long ago were considered impossible.

Is this course for you?

If you've answered "I can't" to any of the questions above, then this is the right course for you.

Learning Objectives

  • This 4-week online telepresence program presents you with a foundational understanding of where we are today with Artificial Intelligence and how we got here.

  • The focus is on four key Artificial Intelligence building blocks : Digital Leadership, Digital Products, Digital Operations and Digital Business Models.

  • You’ll gain a practical introduction to these key Artificial Intelligence Building Blocks technologies and their business implications, equipping you with the knowledge and the confidence you need to transform your organization by converting uncertainties regarding AI into impactful opportunities for business growth.

Content and Description

This online tele-presence course integrates rich, interactive media such as
videos, infographics, and e-learning activities, as well as traditional
didactic live lectures including written study guides (course notes). There are also opportunities for collaborative learning through project-based teamwork. The following modules contribute to the holistic approach your learning path takes:

>Evolution of key AI technologies and how they transform industry and business practice.
AI Knowledge Areas
Application of Artificial Intelligence
Perspective on Artificial Intelligence
Handcrafted Knowledge
Statistical Learning
Contextual Adaptation
Leading Digital

Modul 2: Big data and AI
>Getting new Data Insights with AI

Data & AI: Smart Connected Products
Co-Creating with AI
Big Data management
Data Science process
Artificial Intelligence
Predictive Analytics of Fleets
Big Data & AI as a Business
Man- Machine Advantage
Deep Dive E-Learning Resources

Module 3: Intelligent Agents
>Design of intelligence Agents to achieve best business outcome

Rational Intelligent Agents
Intelligent Agents Types
Goal Based Agent
Model Based Agent
Utility Based Agent
Knowledge Based agents

Modul 4: Machine Learning in Business
>Design, understand, and use computer programs to learn from experience

Machine learning introduction
Supervised Learning
Linear Regression
Linear Classification
Decision Tree
Naive Bayes
Ensemble Method
Unsupervised Learning
Reinforced Learning

Module 5: Deep Neural Networks
>Design Deep Learning networks for unstructured data

Neural Network Introduction
Neural Networks Principles
Deep Learning Network Design
Computer Vision
Natural Language Processing
Transfer Learning
Deep Learning Project management

Modul 6:TensorFlow Open Source Solution
>Understand the capability of open source AI frameworks

Tensor Flow Overview
Tensor Flow 2.0
Keras System
Distribution Strategy
Tensor flow Datasets
Transfer Learning
Getting Started
TensorFlow Example

Module 7: IIoT and AI
>Integrate AI into the Internet of Things

Building the IoT Value Loop
IoT Design thinking
The Industrie 4.0 Journey Approach
IoT Design Example
Sensor & Data
Data Networks
IOT Platform Architecture
Analytics & Artificial Intelligence
Human in the Loop
Deep Dive E-learning

Module 8: The Future of Artificial Intelligence
>Create a business roadmap for the strategic implementation of AI

How to unleash IIoT Potential?
Layer1: Develop Digital Leadership
Layer 2: Identify i4.0 Challenges
Layer 3: Creating i4.0 Solution Concepts
Layer 4: Designing & Prototyping the IIoT Solutions
Implementing the IIoT Deep Learning Network

As this course is designed to have e-learning preparation, limited group sizes for life lecture and breakout sessions for deep dive team co-creation, it enables participants to ‘ask the expert’ questions specific to their needs. Therefore, this provides a unique opportunity to come away from this course with all the information you need.

Duration 4 Weeks/1Presence Day per week
Cost 2000.0€ incl. VAT
Difficulty Easy

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